Jan 27, 2008

Weekend Update


I spent the majority of the day on Friday cleaning up my office. Yes, it was that slow. In the evening I went to a friend's birthday party and had a blast. I wound up staying out until around five, with the last hour or so spent at Village Inn. That skillet breakfast and two cups of coffee has thrown my metabolism off all weekend. Aside from the energy issues, it was a great time.


Slept in until noon, then spent most of the afternoon tracking down this one specific CD, which I found about three and a half hours. Then, I helped my friend Mary with her piece for my art show.

After dinner with Mary and her family, I headed down to the Nightingale Theatre to see Justin McKean's Born Again Yesterday, a one-man show about being a recovering fundamentalist Christian. It was a great show, unapologetic, extremely funny and profound in pointing out the big difference between the truth and what we're all told to be the truth. My recovering Catholic father would've loved it.

The midnight movie at the Circle was the Road Warrior: Mad Max 2. I haven't seen this movie in ages, and it was awesome. Someone really needs to strap Michael Bay to a chair, prop his eyes open a la Clockwork Orange, and force him to watch everything George Miller has ever done. Here's a guy that not only knows how to dazzle the audience, but knows how to do it without a overblown special effects budget.

I got home around two, but couldn't fall asleep until three, thanks to the jumbo Cherry Coke I got at the theater. I only got about three hours sleep because...


Seven A.M. It's about 35 degrees outside, and we're heading to a cemetery to set up a photo shoot for my art show, this one inspired by Nightmare Before Christmas. Ironic, getting up at dawn to do a piece based on a film that takes place at night.

Fortunately, the artist/model was freezing her ass off in her costume, so we had to move quickly so we could go get some coffee. Shots turned out great!

Today, I've been taking my jolly freaking time cleaning up around here. I gotta have some friends over tomorrow night to take care of some more art show stuff, and I've pretty much reserved myself to the idea of doing a ninety mile an hour cram everything in the closet session before they come over. Bullet over the band aid.

Now, I must go to bed.

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