Apr 25, 2008


I witnessed something truly remarkable today. I had to stop by this one check-cashing place today to pay my gas bill. The guy in line in front of me was waiting for approval for his payday advance loan. All the while, he's flirting with the girl behind the counter, and even managed to get her phone number.

That, my friends, is a man of confidence. He's not gonna let the fact that he's broke as hell get in the way of getting laid.

I left that place filled with hope.

Apr 7, 2008

Brief update

Posts are gonna be few and far between until at least June, as the busy season is ramping up at work. Plus, I have a lot more items on my social calendar, and I've developed quite an addiction to Facebook.

The stakes are a bit higher this year at work. The big project of the year is gonna be bigger, plus my support team of ONE PERSON is strictly part-time. Oh well, tons of overtime just in time for a new car payment.

Speaking of which, the truck is giving me many more kicks in the ass to get something new in the vehicle department. I don't know why, but it seems that every time that truck breaks down is on a Thursday night (which assures me that it'll be in the shop all the following weekend), and also when I'm on my way home from the grocery store (assuring possible spoilage of anything perishable).

So, this weekend I was dependent on others for transportation, when I wasn't doing some serious spring cleaning at home. This place is nearly sterile. All I have left is to put up my clothes and some dishes and I will have a spic-and-span homestead.

And now, I have to cut this post short, as there is a huge thunderstorm building outside, and I gotta power this computer down.