May 18, 2008


I clocked out of work today with nearly 72 hours for the week. I left at around 3:30, and ever since then, it has seemed like time has stood still. I'm getting some cleaning done around the house, and every time I look at the clock it's only a few minutes later than the last time I looked. Maybe it's because my body has been so hopped up on caffeine for the past week that I'm still in superhuman speed mode, or maybe it's just a gift from the Gods to reward me on my afternoon off.

The big project is going smoother and rougher than it ever has. My new assistant has really kicked ass on his part of the project. Thanks to him, we're a week ahead of schedule on overall production. I, on the other hand, have been making up time all week, and currently I'm still a few days behind. Another week of 14 hour days should take care of it. It's been hard, seeing as I've had a full workload in my other duties with no relief in the immediate future. I've only been able to touch the big project after hours.

It's been long, hard work, and despite the 72 hours, I've managed to spend time with my friends, which has kept me from going completely mental. Unfortunately that hasn't helped with sleep. I decided to go out for a couple beers on Thursday and wound up staying out just as late as I had the previous three nights.

Friday, I hung out with my friends at the Blue Dome Arts Festival. For reasons beyond me, I decided to walk there from home. It was only about 15 blocks, but being sleep deprived and out of shape, it could just as well been Mount Everest. Plus, having to walk through Mayfest to get there wasn't exactly a picnic. But after sitting down for a few minutes, I got a huge rush of energy that sustained me throughout the rest of the night.

I got off work Saturday around 7:00, and went back down to Blue Dome to see Cairde na Gael play. This time I drove. Three Penny Upright played later in the night at Club 209, and afterwards, we all went to IHOP for what wound up being an ill-advised batch of stuffed french toast surrounded by some of the most trashiest people ever gathered in one place. The whole place smelled of pancake batter, Axe body spray and defeat.

Today was pretty easy given the workload. I got a few more pages done on the project, and I currently stand at 60% done. Back at it tomorrow.

1 comment:

The Drakes said...

Oh how I do not miss the 70 hour plus weeks. It is funny how many of them I had with a promise of a 35 hour week with an occasional couple hours more.
It would rock if you get paid hourly.