Jul 13, 2008

Hell, Hellboy, and more crap

This work week began and ended with the same shit-sucking project. We started out behind schedule, rushed through it all, and in the end there were big errors in the whole damned thing. We got it fixed, but that's a really shitty call to get at 4:30 on a Friday afternoon.

That evening, I went to a friend's improv show at the Nightingale. That made me feel a little better. But afterwards, we caught a late showing of Hellboy II. Holy crap, was it good! Great action, great humor, and one of the most visually imaginative movies I've ever seen. Really dark, but I like dark. As much as I love Guillermo del Toro, I would really hate to be one of his kids. Think of the bedtime stories they have to endure, and what richly detailed and vividly beautiful nightmares they have as a result.

Saturday I hung out over at a friend's house as she got her kitchen prepared for remodeling this week. It wasn't until I pulled into her driveway that it dawned on me what I was doing: A friend was packing up boxes, most of which was going to Goodwill, and I was pulling up in a huge pickup truck. Sure enough, I left with a few boxes to drop off on my way home.

Saturday night, I went over to another friend's house to work out some details on a project we've got cooking. I can't give too many details, but I can tell you that us winding up watching an old episode of Mystery Science Theater 3000 could be considered research.

This morning, I had a wild hair to clean out my huge closet. Unfortunately, that wild hair wore off before the cleaning was done, and now, I'm sitting here watching the Two Towers amongst massive piles of junk. Typical me.

1 comment:

The Drakes said...

I am expecting a full review of Mama Mia this weekend, unless there is another big movie coming out. I heard something about a movie with Heath Ledger in it. Do you know anything about this? (Smile)