Jul 6, 2008

Quick Update

1. I'm approved for the car loan. I'm working out all the final details to determine how much my tags, taxes, title and insurance should cost me. Plus, I have to get a few repairs done on the truck before I return it to my folks. I'm also working on a budget for when I have to make all of these new payments. I'm thinking a dramatic cutback in my cable package and smoking habit might be in order.

2. Wednesday night, I completed my sixth set of stand-up material. I promised myself that i would get this far, and have 25 minutes of material built up before I began revising, repeating and fine-tuning my act. Sure, I'll pepper in some new stuff here and there, but like any other performing art, it's best to have a back catalog as a base.

3. Entries for the next art show are up to eight now, and it looks to be shaping up to be an interesting show. This week, I need to square up a few people to jury the concepts and decide who gets into the show...and I need to get cracking on lining up some sponsors.

4. I had a happy Fourth of July. I had some friends over and we walked down to the river to see the fireworks, then went to a pool party across town. Good times, noodle salad.

5. Last night was Cairde na Gael at the PAC. The show was great, and the afterparty at Kilkenny's was a blast.

6. Today, I did laundry and finished up the artwork for a poster I'm doing for the Ms. Center of the Universe Pageant. So far, they've loved the stuff I've come up with, and they've asked me to be a judge...but we'll see. On one hand, I've done enough work for pageants over the years that I feel I'm a little too cynical to be judging this kind of stuff. On the other hand, there's a wet t-shirt contest involved...so I'm torn. Not too torn, but still...

7. This next week should be pretty busy starting out, but I hope and pray that it'll smooth out by the weekend. Fingers crossed.

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