Aug 3, 2008

Cars, boobs, beauty, Bub and bed

Tonight was Comedy Night at the Nightingale, and I did a killer five-minute set. I'm still a little buzzed from drinking four Red Bulls at the show (dear Lord, I need help), so I'm gonna be up for a little while.

So, here are the highlights of my week:

1. The plans are set for me to pick up the new car next weekend. My folks have the title in hand, and I need to fix a few things on the truck this week, get insurance set up, and have my folks sign and notorize the title. Then, I'll be good to go, and in debt again.

2. I did my usual Thursday night Guinness night at Arnie's Bar. I took my camera with me, and at some point in the night, a mystery woman took the camera and left me with a couple of breast shots. Two problems, though: First, I couldn't tell whose breast it was...even doing some CSI:Photoshop work couldn't solve the mystery. Second, and this is a note to those wishing to give a guy breast shots on his digital camera: Use the damned flash!

3. Last night was the Ms. Center of the Universe Pageant. I, and Personality of Cult by proxy, helped sponsor the show by designing the poster for the show. The show was great, and speaking as a guy who has worked with real pageants, they did a great job in mocking the process, and I'm looking forward to this being an annual event.

4. This morning, I got a message that my great-uncle Bub passed away. I'll have to check with my boss tomorrow and see if it would be possible to take off for the funeral. However, the truck may not be long-trip worthy until I can get the repairs done Thursday night. We'll see.

5. The Red Bull is finally wearing off, and now, I'm off to bed.

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