Sep 25, 2008

Fat lip

Today, a man didn't get his car towed because weeks ago a comedy club bought several cans of chili and nacho cheese sauce.

Confused? I can explain.

Last night, I ordered dinner at the comedy club. Chili cheese fries. Wanna know something you never hear someone say after eating chili cheese fries? "That was a good decision I just made!"

Fifteen minutes after finishing my meal, I began to feel an odd sensation in the middle of my upper lip. It felt like a mosquito bite, only without the itching pain. It was a tightness in the tissue and some slight swelling. Over the course of the next hour, the swelling spread to my entire upper lip.

My friends and I went out for ice cream, and it helped with the swelling. I went home and went to bed. In the morning, I woke up, the swelling had not gone down. In fact, it was three times its normal size.

When I got to work, I called the clinic to set up an appointment. They fit me in right away, seeing as it was a possible allergic reaction situation. It was determined that it was the massive amounts of MSG in the canned chili and cheese sauce that my lip was reacting to. So, some allergy pills and I was good to go. Lip back to normal size.

When I got home, I rummaged through the cupboard and bagged up all of the foods I had with MSG in it. I decided not to throw the food away, but rather give it to a friend of mine, you know, a friend who won't swell up if they eat it. I pulled up to the house, which was a couple blocks away from the State Fair, and the car parked out front was about to be towed away for parking on the street. I asked my friend if she knew who's car it was and it turned out to be her brother's.

So there. A simple order of chili and cheese sauce leads to a car not being towed. Not exactly the best example of a the-world-is-all-connected zen exercise, but hey...

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