Jan 20, 2008

Another great Saturday

It's been a busy week. The day job has been just fine, but the art show has been coming up pretty fast. I've been in heavy promotions mode, and I'll have much more to report on that as things develop. Suffice to say, I'm gonna be jugging a lot of things these next couple of weeks: Getting the artists' stuff together, getting my own stuff together, Meeting and greeting, etc.

Yesterday was the first day I was able to step away from all of this stuff. I went to do laundry in the morning, which was nice considering this was the first time the laundromat wasn't completely packed on a Saturday morning. When I got home, I checked the movie showtimes, and booked it to the theater to catch a matinee of Cloverfield.

I would write a long review of this film, seeing as I really, really liked it, but I won't. I will however, give you this list of precautions to take if and when you see it:

1. Take some dramamine and or avoid sitting in the front half of the theater. This film is shot entirely from the perspective of a video camera being manned by a character who admits to having no clue how to operate it.

2. Don't get anything from the snack bar, because A) you might get so queasy that you won't want to eat or drink anything, and B) this film works best if you have nothing around you to remind you about the real world. Plus, I saw it alone, so that helped.

3. Do yourself a favor and don't nitpick it while you're watching it. Just let yourself go and allow yourself to get sucked into it. Sure, the guy should've just dropped the camera and ran away at full speed, but where would the movie had gone from there? Would you watch an hour and a half of a monster tearing up NYC if the camera had filmed it on its side in the gutter?

4. Take your time leaving the theater. The music playing over the end credits is pretty cool...Plus, you're gonna need the time to get over some mild vertigo.

5. Don't bitch about the title. If you see it, then I dare you to try and come up with something better.

6. Completely forget about The Blair Witch Project. Comparing it to Cloverfield is like comparing apples and oranges...only in this case the apple is still an apple and the orange is 25 stories tall, really pissed off, impervious to all of our weaponry and will fucking eat you.

AS soon as I got home from the movie, I immediately got a call from Mary, Amy and Andey asking me to come over and hang out/help them with cleaning out Mary's "big room". When I got there, they were all drunk from the wine left over from Mary's birthday party on Friday. I stayed, had a couple of drinks and we all pretty much gave up on cleaning.

Once we sobered up, we went to Shiloh's for dinner. Usually, a family diner like this makes up for the bad quality of the food by dealing it out in volume, but in this case it was really fucking good food in huge portions....sorta like the culinary equivalent of a down comforter. We waddled out of the restaurant feeling a helluva lot better emotionally. Physically, we felt like we were gonna explode.

I got back to my truck and got back on the road just in time to make it to the final act of my friend Corey's Lord of the Rings marathon. The Return of the King really helped with the digestion. We wrapped up the movie around one and shot the shit until around two. I went home and fell right asleep. Found my keys in the door this morning.

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