Mar 21, 2006

The check is in the mail

My folks reached settlements with the credit cards on Thursday, but the checks were'nt getting in the mail until I got about fifteen phone calls from the credit card people over the course of the day. This begs the question: Why would I go to the trouble to try to settle, then NOT give them the money? How many people have been stupid enough to do that kind of thing that it has become part of their collection protocol to call every 45 minutes?

My boss was supposed to be on vacation all this week, but yesterday he was in the office taking care of some last minute things. He kept saying to us, "I'm NOT here." But he was...even when he's gone, he's still fucking there!" He just kept working on his stuff and kept out of our hair all day. Today, he was gone, and I'm kinda pissed he wasn't because I was really kicking som major ass on my work and he wasn't there to notice. Not that I care what he thinks about my work, but then again, I want to be noticed not caring what he thinks about how I do my job.

I talked to my mom on the phone last night, and the conversation drifted to my love life (or lack thereof) and I wound up having a hearty laugh about it. I got to thinking about where those women are now, and how the guys they've ended up with are quite similar to me. I said that I've sometimes felt like that one beige sports car on the car lot that everyone test drives, but then decided they want one just like it, only in another color, or with different options. I guess Lily Tomlin was right when she said that comedy is tragedy plus time. Enough time has passed that I can look back and laugh at the disasters I've had in the past. I'll give myself some more time and learn to laugh at them with a little less bitterness. I'll know, the day my stories of ex-girlfriends sound like clever anecdotes rather than cynical bitching, that I'll be ready to throw wade back into the dating pool again.


Anonymous said...

I like to think of myself as an authority on dating. Afterall, I have been dating since I was 15 years old - 16 years!!! Oh my gosh, I have been dating LONGER than I have NOT been dating! (Sorry, this is your blog - let me get back to you, while I slowly curl up in the fetal position and wimper)

Also, prior to my current career as a corporate sell-out, I was the Regional Director of a video dating service - so I learned a thing or two about how guys and girls think about the opposite sex. See... I really AM an authority!

So, okay - you consider yourself the beige car on the lot? Do you know how many women would absolutely ADORE the beige car? So many women are tired of all the flashy red and silver cars because they lack SUBSTANCE... we CRAVE the beige car.

Is it POSSIBLE that PERHAPS... just MAYBE... you are still checking out the flashy red and silver cars, and missing the beige car that would so suit you??

Fritschie said...

I just thought it was a funny metaphor. The only reason I brought it up to my mother is because she told me that a friend of hers was so happy to hear that I was single, as she's been hell-bent on hooking me up with her daughter for years.