Mar 8, 2006

Finally at square two

Okay, I'm now in love with the world. This whole debt consolidation thing is back on track, I'm finally caught up on my work, and I just had a great night hanging out with my friends. It looks like good karma has shined upon me almost to the point that I might owe the universe a little bit of karmic interest.

I contacted the credit counseling people and got the contact info on my other credit card. It wasn't nearly as bad as I suspected. In fact, with my stepdad's powers of negotiation, I should only have to pay a few hundred to get it paid off. However, the whole time I was on the phone with this guy, I was really hoping that my account was one of the ones paid off by the government. It would've been a thrill to demand my money back and threaten a lawsuit against these guys.

So, tomorrow I'll know how much I'll owe to my folks over the next couple years. In all probability, I'll wind up saving money each month.

I'm so stoked over this. I will be out of debt just in time for my 32nd birthday. I'll have a couple months of disposable income left to throw one hell of a party, or do something I've never been able to afford a trip somewhere...or get a tattoo...or maybe just an eight-ball and a nice hooker (just kidding).

In short, this may very well be that elusive square two I've talked about before. Now, to fix my love issues and I'll be at square three, which means that square four (whatever that is) will be close behind.

Hooray, progress!


Anonymous said...

You are a dirty little tease! When I saw "eightball and a nice hooker", I got excited - that "shout out" was akin to someone shooting up the "bat signal"... I really believed it was a call to action. I had my mobile meth lab gassed up and was headed to Tulsa.

Hmmm.... good thing I couldn't get that police boot off the van, otherwise I would have been half way there before realizing that wasn't an invitation to party!

Fritschie said...

Okay, you are coming dangerously close to sounding way too serious about this stuff.

You're starting to frighten and intrigue me at the same time.

Anonymous said...

Okay, you have gone from being a dirty little tease to being hoplessly romantic. The lasttime a boy called me simultaneously frightening and intriguing -- I married him!

Okay, okay - you called my bluff. I am not really a drug user.

Fritschie said...

Hopeless in so many ways. And it wasn't much of a bluff, really. No drug user is ever that lucid when they type.

Anonymous said...

Square three has long been the best. Good luck with that!!

If I knew any hot babes in Tulsa, I would totally put the word out. Sadly, I live in St. Louis, as do all the hot babes I know.

Perhaps I need to blog stalk more people from Tulsa....