Mar 22, 2006

Who the hell is Lisa?

I normally don't remember my dreams, much less wonder what they mean. Dream analysis, to me, has always seemed a bit hokey. I mean, how accurate of a science can it be when there's always the alternate reasoning that you shouldn't have had that slice of pizza right before bed?

However, The past two nights, my dreams have been very vivid and strangely similar. In each dream, I'm going through my normal life. The night before last the dream was me at home, fixing dinner and playing video games. Last night, I was out at one of my favorite restaurants with a bunch of friends. The only slimilarity between the two dreams was this one woman was there, a woman I have never met.

Like I said, these were very vivid dreams. This woman was about 5'6", thin, with black meadium-length hair, long face, striking features and minimal makeup. In both dreams, she's just hanging out like I've known her for a long time. She pokes fun at me in a flirty manner, the kind that always brings a blushing smirk to my face.

Given that the environments are totally familiar, and what I'm doing in these dreams are nothing out of the ordinary, I couldn't help but notice this woman. That, and the fact that she seems to be as much of an attention hound as I am most of the time.

Anyway, this morning, as I was waking up, she told me her name: Lisa. I don't know a Lisa, and the last one I met was back in Junior High, and she looked nothing like this woman. There isn't any way that she could be an amalgam of different women I know or have known, because No one I know has any of those features.

Rhetorically asking: What the fuck, man?!?

1 comment:

Fritschie said...

No, your wife told me her name was Heather...and nothing happened, I swear!