Apr 9, 2006

Busy busy busy

It's been a busy week, at work and at home. I offer that as my excuse du jour for the lack of regular postings on the blog. It's not really that I haven't had the time. I realize that it only takes a few minutes to type this shit out, but I've been in a strange head space the past week or so. I haven't felt much like writing about what's bothering me because not much has been bothering me...or at least nothing NEW has been bothering me, so I thought I'd spare you a repeat. On the other hand, everything good in my life at this moment feels much better having it float around in my head than to attempt to put it into words. I can tell you that Fritschie is happy, really happy.

It feels good to be in a position of not sweating the small stuff. A lot of things going on at work right now, frustrating though it may be, is everything that I've come to expect from the people dishing it out. Call it zen, call it not really giving a shit anymore, but I've finally realized that trying to fight it is not only futile, but it's counter-productive. The best part is, I've dealt with this shit so often that I know all of the shortcuts to getting it all done without a mental meltdown. This will prove very handy as we are now going into our busiest time of the year.

On the home front, everything's peachy. I'm having lots of fun; so much so that I'm looking forward to the work week so I can catch up on my sleep.

I worked the door at Arnie's again on Saturday. The band totally kicked ass, even though barely anyone showed up to see it. A lot of new clubs and bars have opened up downtown and the customers are starting to disperse. Combine that with the fact that thes new bars' clientele are starting to take advantage of Arnie's having the only free parking lot within a mile radius, and they're taking up valuable parking space for people wanting to go to Arnie's.

I'm liking this little regular gig working the door. I find myself doing everything I can to help out, from covering up the shuffleboard table so the band can set up their equipment, to making sure the musicians have everything they need, to clearing tables after last call. In dealing with everyone that comes in the door, I've conquered some of my deep-seeded fears of strangers, and having to handle some of the pushy assholes who either think $3 is too much to charge for a cover or get upset about having to show ID has helped me get in touch with my inner jerk (Jesus, that sounds weird).

I guess, overall, I'm learning the finer distinctions between having to take shit as it comes and being able to successfully HANDLE it...that sounds weird, too.

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