Apr 1, 2006

I could tell you, but I'd have to kill you.

Yet again, I must apologize to both of my loyal fans out there for the increasing infrequency of my posts. I started out the year thinking that I would make it a rule to post something every day, even if there was nothing to talk about.

However, this week has been more than just a bit interesting, and as much as I do want to write about it all, I feel that I can't for various reasons. First of all, the person at the center of this week's attention reads the blog, and there are a lot of things that I feel is best discussed just between us. Secondly, I stongly believe that in this case, I should only report things that are a little more concrete or set in stone (or any other masonry analogy you can think of). Thirdly and perhaps most importantly, there are thoughts going through my head over this whole thing that simply cannot be expressed in words.

I know I'm being cryptic and that this is a massive style break for me, but I wil report on everything once I am sure that what needs to be said CAN be said.

I will give you all this: There is nothing going on that I am not of two minds about. As it lists in my head, the list of pros and cons are running up equal every time. This just doesn't happen to me. Never in my life has there been this kind of a perfect balance of THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME and BUT THERE"S A CATCH.

So, in an effort to fill some space in an effort to make up for lost time, I'll be writing the rest of this post as stream of conscienceness:

It's starting to rain pretty heavily now, and I hope she's giggling about our little in-joke about rain. Gee, that improv performance I saw tonight got off to a rocky start. I really need to clean my room. I need to write som more on my fictional stuff. I should remember to set my clocks forward tonight before I go to bed. That Peter Gabriel CD I just bought was really damned good. I'm tired but I can't seem to want to get in bed right now. Dammit my knees hurt. Last night was a lot of fun, but the night before was unbelievable. I'm gonna go have a smoke and watch the rain and laugh.


CleverName said...

"Dammit my knees hurt. Last night was a lot of fun."

Stream of consciousness, or Freudian slip?

Fritschie said...

Get your mind out of the gutter, man! My knees were hurting because of the tiny seats at the Nightengale Theater, and that "last night" comment was in reference to Arnie's where YOUR band was playing.

Anonymous said...

Since I missed the Aristocrats Improv, I'm anxious to hear a more in-depth review, you know, when you're not busy getting rug-burns on your knees.

Fritschie said...

Well, the improv show was alright, but the Aristocrats thing was after second intermission, and they did a really short, ultra clean version and yelled APRIL FOOLS! I kinda wanted to deck my friend who's in the troupe.