Jun 25, 2006

Mom's visit

My mom came to visit me on Friday night. She spent the week at my Aunt's house in Norman and this was a great opportunity to stop by and see me. The last time she visited me was a couple months after Colleen and I broke up and I was at my one-bedroom apartment, or as I liked to call it: My deepest, darkest dispair with wood paneling.

She brought me some rugs for my new place. Always being on the lookout for a Big Lebowski reference, let me say that (ahem) they really tie the room together. We had a great dinner and I took her down to Arnie's, intrtoducing her to my firends and to the music of Cairde Na Gael. She bought a CD.

The entire visit was near perfect. I was elated to hear that my mom had finally learned some basic internet skills. I've been trying to get her online for years. However, this part of the tale has a dark side. Being a life-long democrat (as am I), my mom had finally taken that big leap into the technological wonderland in order to find like-minded individuals that share her beliefs, but now...

Between dinner and Arnie's on Friday night, we spend time at my apartment catching up. Somehow, the conversation turned towards 9/11, and I witnessed my sweet mother turn into Oliver Stone. She's found a LOT of information online (and a few books) on "what really happened" on that day. Now, I'm as open-minded (and suspicious) as the next guy, but hearing those words come out of my mother's mouth really freaked me out. A little begging and pleading for a change of subject and the night was back on track.

Saturday, I vegged on the couch watching the Mythbusters marathon, took a nap and popped in at my friends Tony & Jenny's house for what was the start of their dinner party. I had to be at Arnie's to work the door, so I could only stay for a very short time. Note to self, I really need to make more time for those guys.

Today, I spent a little time at the office taking down some ceiling tiles for what will be my next office. Before my company was in this building, it was a graphics output bureau. And this was back in the days when computer graphics was in its infancy...back when EVERYTHING took up twenty times more EVERYTHING than it does today. I was supposed to rip out any unneccesary cables from the suspended ceiling, but all of them save one was connected to something in the wall. The one I was able to pull out without any snags was a fifty foot SCSI cable, which boggled my mind. Did they really have an old-school optical drive set up two rooms away?

Now, I'm set for a night of TV and Internet. Oh, joy!

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