Jun 15, 2006

When in doubt, speak in metaphors

God help me if I'm called a a character witness for anyone in the near future. First of all, I've been so bogged down in everything going on in my life lately that the world beyond my troubles and confusion is a blur. My answers would simply be, "How the hell should I know?"

At my job, it's easy. Information is written down somewhere so that any questions raised can be answered easily enough. But when it comes to my personal life, every question is either rhetorical or loaded.

The best I can figure is that I can either retreat to what i know is safe, or go so far out of my element that I can fall back on the fish-out-of-water excuse if people sense that I'm starting to panic.

All I do know is that I'm feeling quite a bit of intertia from all this busyness I've put myself through. I feel that if i slow down too quickly or rashly decide to steer it into a willow tree, I'm gonna get a face full of steering wheel.

Better buckle myself in...

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