Oct 23, 2007

More than our daily allotted dose of insanity from Glenn Beck

Okay, there's no room for speculation anymore. It's official: Glenn Beck is a huge asshole.

There are two surefire ways to be an asshole in my book. The first is to be an unapologetic asshole; to be a truly horrible person and actually have the balls to be proud about it. The second is to do or say something absolutely asinine and so counter to the principle of human decency, but do it under the guise of an attempt to being a decent person.

Here's what confirmed asshole Glenn Beck had to say on his radio show yesterday:

"When I say on the air, and I've said it a lot lately, that we need to come together and we need to get back into the center, we're being pushed on to the edges -- I want you to understand, that is not on policies. I don't mean that we come in the center on policies. We come to the center on principles. We come back to the center of the melting pot, that we're all one America, that just because I disagree with you doesn't mean you hate America, and I love America. We all love America. We just disagree on how we should function, what we should do, big government, small government. It doesn't mean you hate America. I think there is a handful of people who hate America. Unfortunately for them, a lot of them are losing their homes in a forest fire today."

Holy. Shit.

You know, if you ignore what he's actually saying, and just focus on how he structures the tone of that paragraph, it still boggles the fucking mind that this guy remains employed. It starts off rather noble, as if he's reaching out to those who he has disagreed with in the past and offering them an olive branch. The middle sounds like he's almost willing to reach a civilized common ground and provide a dialog for real change in our society. Then, he grabs the wheel and steers right off the edge of the cliff, landing himself back into Batshitcrazytown!

In one paragraph, he almost tricked me into wanting to listen to what he had to say, then reminded me why he should never be taken seriously ever again. The truly fucked up thing is, this is only gonna be the tip of the iceberg. If you look at the past statements of other far-right political commentators like Beck, you know that the only way this guy will ever sustain his career is by going further and further each time. Who knows, maybe for Black History Month, he might put a laugh track on Martin Luther King's "I Have A Dream" speech! Or maybe quote Ghandi, then finish it all up by announcing his intent to rape your grandmother.

I can't help but think that Ann Coulter is sitting at her keyboard right now desperately trying to write something more outrageous than Becks statement...she's gotta reclaim her crown as king of Batshitcrazytown.

Yeah, people are dying, and most others are losing everything they own in a horrible wildfire that is engulfing most of the region, and to top it all off, its all because they hate America. This begs the question: What the fuck happened to Glenn Beck during his last visit to San Diego that led him to even entertain this notion? Was he mugged and beaten after a whale at Sea World puked on him during a five-hour delay at the airport?

An interesting side effect of these kinds of statements is that whatever agencies are offering aid for these people in need experience a surge in donations. People donated more for Katrina relief after the Christian right made their claims that New Orleans was a den of sin and deserved the wrath God wrought upon it. The same with the San Francisco earthquake. 9/11 funds got a boost from Pat Robertson's statements that we deserved it. Hell, even PBS got a small surge in donations after Jerry Falwell claimed that Tinky-Winky from the Telletubbies was gay propaganda.

The point is, people somehow are compelled to help out when these kind of irrational statements are made. It's compassion through spite of our most famous hatemongers. The truly fucked-up part is, Glenn Beck chalks it all up to liberal guilt.

1 comment:

TomR said...

maybe he's professor emeritus of 'how to be a dick' 101 in some conservative farts university...

...but that just might be the gin talking.