Apr 12, 2007

Five little things

1. Great, the one time I receive pain by NOT having gas...Yesterday, I got home and found a note on my door from the gas company saying that the service in my building has been cut off due to work on the lines. So much for washing dishes was my first thought. It wasn't until this morning, when I had about two minutes of warm water in the shower, that it really sunk in how much I've taken natural gas for granted. But I gotta say, a cold shower is better than the strongest cup of coffee.

I couldn't get a straight answer from the gas company as to when it will be back on. Looks like I'll have another cold shower in the morning. I might wait until my testicles descend again before I start the angry phone calls to ONG. Nothing worse than trying to kick someone's ass on the phone with a squeaky voice.

2. Fritschie in charge...This week, I got a new assistant at work. She's part-time, only 25 hours a week, but that'll be a great help. The best part is, my boss is actually letting me be a manager, not just a trainer. It's been only four days, but I can tell things'll work out just fine.

3. Life imitates Don Henley lyrics...This morning, on the expressway, I actually saw a deadhead sticker on a Cadillac.

4. There are so many things wrong with that statement...I had a lady ask me today to fax her this one form she needed. She said she knew she could just make a photocopy of it herself, but in her own words, "I'm just not that computer literate."

5. Pre-order your "nappy-headed ho" t-shirt now...Now that the media has the answer to the question they've been asking for the past week: Should Don Imus be fired?, they're now asking if being fired is too stiff of a penalty. I'm not condoning what he said, but I do believe that while the situation has been blown a bit out of proportion. That's hardly the worst thing he has ever said on the air, but I am glad it was the straw that broke the camel's back. Why do the biggest assholes always get the most popular radio shows?

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