Apr 9, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Post your captions in the comments section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. He's not much for conversation, but his wine is spectacular!

2. "Here are my demands: Two million in small bills, A pound of fresh flies, safe passage to Cuba and a large mayonaisse jar with a twig in it for transport. And God help you if there aren't hole poked in the lid. Your move, Mr. President."

The winner of last week's contest will be named next Monday. Get your captions in now!

March 26th's contest
winner is Xanaboobs, with the caption/skit:
"Hey there... We're looking for Fritschie..."
"Well, actually, just her. She's looking for Fritschie."
"Yeah, just her, we're just here for support."
"It wasn't my idea. Somebody owes someone a favor, I think."
"Where the hell is my mineral water?"
"Does... anyone here know Fritschie? I need to get this over with."
"Totally. I have to wax my legs before my next shoot."
"But you waxed them this morning."
"I know, I wax them before and after every shoot. I hate hair."
"Then I don't know if you'll be pleased when you see Fritschie."
"Someone, please, tell me, where is Fritschie?"

Xanaboobs knows how to win these contests...catering to my ego by suggesting at least one of those hot chicks are there to see me for any reason.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time you flush a pet down the toilet, check for a pulse first. Now, it's payback time!