Mar 26, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Post your captions in the comment section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. Ladies, are you not aware that you are being exploited?!? You're being used to perpetuate the...stereotype that women...should be, you're all so pretty!

2. After years of declining sales, Hooters restaurants launches its new promotional campaign: Let's cut through the bullshit. We'll jiggle around in these outfits while you choke down stale $12 buffalo wings, deal?

There's still one more week for last week's caption contest. The winner will be announced next Monday.

The winner of March 12th's caption contest is Aliceson with the caption "Fritschie throws another joke!" Hey, if you can't laugh at yourself, who can you laugh at?


Anonymous said...

Overheard in line when the Victoria's Secret models visit Santa:

"That bitch is taking all of his Lap Time..."

"I'm going to ask him for a boob job"

"Wow...his pants look all soft and fuzzy..."

"I wonder if he'll notice me..."

"Let's see...have I been naughty or nice?"

Steffenmania said...

"When turned down for modeling and Spain and Italy for being too thin, these inventive vixens moved to Africa where they would be considered voluptuous and curvy."

"Why did I listen to my mother and finish college."

"If blondes have more fun, why am I third in line?"

CleverName said...

You always meet the hottest chicks in the chiropractor's waiting room.

Anonymous said...

Pelvic tilts do make our breasts look larger.

Anonymous said...

"Hey there... We're looking for Fritschie..."

"Well, actually, just her. She's looking for Fritschie."

"Yeah, just her, we're just here for support."

"It wasn't my idea. Somebody owes someone a favor, I think."

"Where the hell is my mineral water?"

"Does... anyone here know Fritschie? I need to get this over with."

"Totally. I have to wax my legs before my next shoot."

"But you waxed them this morning."

"I know, I wax them before and after every shoot. I hate hair."

"Then I don't know if you'll be pleased when you see Fritschie."

"Someone, please, tell me, where is Fritschie?"