Mar 12, 2007

I'm free to do ALL of the work, now!

Shit! I't been a busy week for me. I clocked just over 70 hours at work, and that's without even going in on Saturday. I got the first big project of the spring clusterfuck done this afternoon, and I am glad to be rid of it. It took a lot of my time in a very short timeframe. Thankfully, it was well organized all the way through.

That can't really be said about our other artist, who will be fired tomorrow when she comes in for her paycheck. She's been working part-time for several months now, and she's just as un-productive as she was when she was full-time.

On this big project, I gave her the easy pages, because I didn't know how much she'd be able to get done in the time she would be in this week. She was clocked in for a total of 15 hours this week, and she managed to complete what amounts to three hours of work by my standards. On Friday night, she stayed until she could no longer focus her eyes on the computer screen. She only had one more page to finish, and she planned to come in on Saturday for a couple hours to finish it up. I told her I'd have a couple more pages, plus a small job for her to do to fully justify coming in for two hours. The amount of work I had for her would've taken me an hour...blindfolded. She couldn't even finish half of what I set aside for her in two hours.

Not to mention, I spent two hours today fixing the mistakes she made. Fifteen hours of her time saved me three hours of work, and cost me two hours in mistakes. All in all, she works at 1/15 of my current capacity. She is utterly useless, and I have dreamed of the day that she would be fired. I've also been dreading it, because that means I'm alone in this sea of work. I'll make it through it all. I kinda have no choice. My mantra is: Think of all the overtime!

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