Mar 2, 2007

Wringing my hands and laughing maniacally

Operation Slumlord is moving past the planning stages. Thursday, I issued the declaration of war: A three page letter stating my case clearly, leaving no greivance unearthed, and in the end stated that he has until the end of day this coming Wednesday to pay up or I will rain down a world of shit upon his head.

It still amazes me how much trouble some people go through to avoid honoring a contract. People like my old landlord spend all that time finding loopholes in the law to avoid having to pay out a small chunk of change that when they finally get caught in their scams, they have to pay ten times as much in fines and legal costs.

With everything that's happened so far, I'm reaching the level of vitriol where I don't care if I ever get my money back, just as long as he has to pay someone else at least the same amount. The Fire Marshall, city building inspector, the IRS...anyone will do.

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