Mar 18, 2007

Do you like movies about gladiators?

I should've gone with my instincts and elect to see 300 at the IMAX. I'm kicking myself for thinking, "Gee, $8.75 seems awful steep for a matinee..." I will be seeing this movie again, and yes, I will be seeing it on the biggest screen I can.

300 more than makes up for every chick flick ever made. It is bloody, brutal, unapologetic, violent, stylish, brilliant, 100% testosterone, and it is fucking great. I left the theater wanting to order the biggest steak the closest restaurant could offer, extra rare. Police should be warned of potential assault or road rage incidents near the theaters when this movie lets out, because even for a pacifist like me, I just wanted to hit someone.

Between 300 and Sin City, I think it's obvious that Frank Miller has some issues...but God bless him for being able to articulate them into great stories that directors like Robert Rodriguez and Zack Snyder dreamed of putting into motion.

This movie is definitely not for the queasy or faint of heart. Every frame of this movie has blood on it. Even the end credits are liberally splattered in red. However, it is fully justified. The story demands it! Besides, the real battle of Thermopylae would make this movie look like an episode of the Teletubbies by comparison.

As with any movie, timing of its release is essential to its success. If we weren't at war right now, this movie would not have gotten greenlit. It would be so easy for someone to find some relation in this film for our current war, but let's not, okay? The insurgents are NOT the Persians. Sparta is NOT Iraq nor Afghanistan. Laura Bush may be the kind of person you'd expect to go before Congress and ask for more troops, like the Queen does in the movie, but her husband would be more likely to be sitting on the couch eating a bag of pretzels rather than be on the front lines leading his men in battle. Bush is NOT King Leonidas. Anyone I hear try to make such comparisons will soon be shown one or more of their vital organs.

I understand the historical inaccuracies in the story. Trust me, if they wanted this to be a exact-detail recreation, it wouldn't have gotten an R rating not just because of the extra carnage, but because the 300 warriors at the center of the story would be fighting completely nude. This should not be used for a term paper in Greek history. It is a film version of a great graphic novel based on a legend surrounding a real historic battle. A little creative license is allowed here, and if you wanna cry to the history police, rent Disney's Pocahontas. Hell, the porn version Poke-a-hot-ass had a more credible technical advisor than the one Disney hired.

I'm not suggesting everyone drop what they're doing and go see 300. You kinda have to be in the mood to see a movie like this. For me, it was perfect timing. With tons of work I have to get done, and no end in sight, it does my heart good to see these guys go out and do their job with such gusto. It also helps that blood, guts, heads and limbs are flying all over the place in the process.

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