May 27, 2007

At least I get to sleep in

I've noticed that I don't vocalize my expectations in most areas of my life anymore. More often than not, I'm pretty open about having no clue as to what will happen next and even less of a clue as to what I'm doing. But I've noticed a trend of getting a minor plot twist in the things I do have some hope and wishes towards. It's nothing's not a Sixth Sense kinda thing. Hell, it's barely a The Village kinda twist (hey, if you didn't see that shit coming, you're a moron).

It's kinda like playing a casual game of chess, and you're a few moves away from checkmate, then your opponent suggests checkers instead. It's like having a girl you're mildly infactuated with introduce you to her heretofore unmentioned boyfriend. It's like having a clerk stop you admitting he overcharged you for your purchase, giving you the proper change, then realizing he had the price right the first time, but tells you to forget about it and keep the 69 cents. Getting bent out of shape would be unreasonable, and the proper response is simply, "Oh, okay..."

More to the point, it's having your mind set on working on Memorial day, but your boss tells you to take the day off. I've been working my ass off, and the finish line is in sight. I'm running the race, and I'm winning by a wide lead, and suddenly I'm told to sit and rest for a minute.

I know it's pretty damned sad when I don't know how to react to a day off anymore.

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