May 1, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Post your captions in the comment section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. Aw, man! Why does he always go for the GOOD shoes?

2. In this week's adopt-a-pet segment, we have Mittens. He's a lovable little mongrel who's great with kids...particularly those who need a little "straightening out"...

The winner of last week's caption contest will be announced next monday night. Get your captions in now!

The winner of April 16th's caption contest is Anonymous with the caption "If you want my body AND you think I'm sexy, c'mon sugar let me know...."


CleverName said...

The leading cause of US casualties in Iraq, IEDs, or Insane Emaciated Dogs.

Anonymous said...

So there are WMDs in Iraq. Wild Mangy Dogs.