May 26, 2007

Rumors of my death are not far from the truth

Holy. Fucking. Asscrackers!

It's Saturday night. I just got home from work, having clocked 82 hours and 22 minutes so far for the week. So far...yes, I'll have more ahead of me tomorrow.

The good news is, the hardest part is done. The layout of the big project is all done and ready for the last rounds of proofing. After that, all I gotta do is make the changes, pun the film out and I'm fucking done!

I pulled a 36 hour shift on Wednesday/Thursday. When I finally got home, I was still hyped up from my thirtieth Dr. Pepper that I wasn't ready to go to sleep yet. So, I pulled up the finale of Lost on the DVR...which I don't recommend after staying up for 36 hours. I brushed my teeth and crawled into bed. However, I woke up on my sofa the next morning. This was the first time in nearly nine years that I had proof of sleepwalking.

Now, what to do with the rest of my night. I'm gonna go grab a bite to eat, then grab a much-deserved beer.

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