May 14, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Post your captions in the comments section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. "Verily I say: Word to your mum!"

2. You gotta give it to the Brits, even when they're choking, they maintain a proper composure.

The winner of last week's caption contest will be announced next Monday, sometime after Heroes and before the Colbert Report.

The winner of April 30th's contest is CleverName with the best of the two punny entries: "The leading cause of US casualties in Iraq, IEDs, or Insane Emaciated Dogs."


Anonymous said...

"Are you speaking to me? Are you speaking to me? I don't believe there is anyone else in this general vincinty, so you must be speaking to me."

Steffenmania said...

You think you gotta double chin? THIS is a double chin...THIS, right here is a double chin...keep dreamin'.
