Feb 23, 2007

Highlight reel

It's been one hell of a week. Busy, busy, busy. As much as I'd like to go on, as I usually do, at great length about these things...I'm just gonna give you a highlight reel:

- I'm at ten hours overtime, and I'll have a few more on Sunday.

- My boss has been on vacation all week, which has been simultaneously good and bad for my mood. Bad because I've been in a rush all day, good because the only person kicking my ass to get it all done has been me.

- I have been assured that I will be getting my security deposit back next Wednesday. Unfortunately, my old landlord has sold the building, so reporting all of his housing code offenses might be a moot point.

- There was one job that got screwed up this week, but we got it fixed in record time. To make things really weird, the client brought us cookies for getting it done so fast.

- Another job got prematurely released to go to press. The client called to get a revised proof, and it had already been printed. We gave her a press sheet as a proof, and it got approved. So, instead of screwing up, we just came off as really, really efficient.

- I'm procrasting tonight on cleaning up for the party. I'll just be in a rush tomorrow. No biggie.

- Tell me if you think this is weird: There's this one girl, and every time I look at her, I hear a different Beatles song in my head. Early in the evening, I hear I Wanna hold Your Hand, later it's Something in the Way She Moves, and I thought the night might end with Why Don't We Do It in the Road?, but it ended with Hello Goodbye. I'll know to run if I hear Dig a Pony or Happiness is a Warm Gun.

- I asked a client to put his signature on a proof, and as he was signing, he asked if he needed to put the date on it, but worded it "Do you need a date?" Without missing a beat, I told him that we should really keep our relationship professional. There was a moment there that I was sure my sarcasm may have offended a client, but he just started cracking up. Whew.

- A lady inched her car into my lane in traffic, trying to turn left into a parking lot. I wouldn't have mentioned it if it weren't for fact that she was dressed as a clown (orange wig, full make-up)...and turning into a funeral home parking lot.

- I got a call on my cell from my own medical insurance company asking me if I'd be interested in buying a policy from them. I pointed out that I already had a policy with them, which brought a long silence from the person on the other end, followed by an "Oh! Okay. Yep, we got you right here. So sorry, sir." I'm so worried what would happen if I ever have to go to the hospital.

- I feel perfectly at ease with the following statement: I really couldn't give a rat's ass about Anna Nicole Smith, or Britney Spear's baldness.

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