Feb 17, 2007

Money shit

As if I needed any further proof that credit cards are evil, Chase sent me a 1099-C form on my credit settlement to file on my taxes. It's bad enough that they screwed me for years with interest charges, now they gotta pound away one last, hard, brutal time. My company's accountant thinks he knows a way for me to report the settlement, but not have to pay taxes on it. Which is good, because when I put the information in on TurboTax, it cut my federal refund in half and has me owe money for my state return.

Still no concrete answer from my old landlord. I have about a week and a half before they pass the 30 day mark, after which, I need to ramp up my efforts. If this was a business-to-business transaction, I'd be able to add a late fee to it at that point. What I do know is that they've already been showing the apartment out to potential renters already. The moment they rent that place out, they've lost any arguing power they ever had against my claim. If they consider it rent-worthy, then why can't they refund my deposit? For now, the battle continues.

On the up side, I'm getting a few hundred bucks back on my old car's warranty plan, since the car was totalled before the warranty would expire. Seeing as the car was under my parents' name, they're only giving me the money under the condition that it go directly into savings and not be touched unless it's and emergency. I'm okay with that.

The way I got it figured, with that money, plus the security deposit, I'm 20% closer to my goal of having four grand in the bank by the end of the year. Also, It appears I'll be working a shitload of overtime, even more than I initially planned for, until at least June. No doubt I'll be a zombie by then, but I'll be a rich zombie, and fresh brains are remarkably cheap on the internet these days.

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