Feb 4, 2007

Catching up

Thursday night was the judging for the Brothers of the Brush Beard Growing contest. I came in third in the Best Effort category, beat by two guys under 20 years old. I would be a bit insulted that, at 30, I barely have the beard-growing prowess of a 20 year old...but considering some of the guys were disqualified because they couldn't meet the first rule of having a beard go uninterrupted from ear to ear, I feel a bit better. My buddy Tony won the Fullest Untrimmed Beard prize, which is further proof that he talked me into the contest just to look better to the judges by standing next to me. I looked like Ethan Hawke at the end of Alive, and he looked like Gimli from Lord of the Rings.

After the judging, I went to Arnie's and stsyed out until at least 1:00. This woman at our table bought one of the new merch items, a pair of boyshort panties (or "manties", as Candy would call them) with the Arnie's logo in them. While sitting at the table, I picked up the panties and took a look at them. She asked me, "You're dying to put them on your head, aren't you?" So I did, and she took a picture. After the picture, I said something that could've gone either way with this woman. She could've either slapped me or laughed. I said, "Well, at least I can say that I technically got in your panties." Fortunately, she laughed.

Friday went fairly smooth, considering I was dead tired and hung over all day. I got a lot done, but still, I had to come in for a couple hours on Saturday to get far enough ahead to make up for the downtime we'll have tomorrow while some of our equipment will be upgraded.

Friday night, I worked the door, and by midnight, I was sick and tired of working for the day. We had one guy get so drunk that he was oblivious to the fact that not only was his fly undone, but he had pissed his pants. Another guy I had to turn away at the door three times. The first time, he didn't understand why I needed three bucks from him to get into the bar. The second time, he claimed he lost his hat and wanted to look around for it. I shooed him off, telling him that he wasn't in the bar long enough last time to lose anything. Fifteen minutes later, he came back and I told him he was already too drunk to be let in. I about lost it when he asked me, "WHY?!?"

As I said, Saturday, I went into the office. Not much else to report there. Once I got out of there, I went down to McNellies for the Irish Music Festival Fundraiser. I got there at 3:30, and left around midnight. A good time was had by all.

Today, I slept in. I briefly considered going to catch a movie like I normally do on Super Bowl Sunday, but decided against it. Instead, I went down to Borders, bugged a few of my friends there, and bought the new Lewis Black CD.

I got a picture message from a co-worker showing my boss' Chevy Tahoe in the parking lot...with it's wheels stolen. I don't know when it happened or how my boss is gonna get it fixed. All I do know is that he's gonns be really pissed for the next few days. That Tahoe has been the bane of his existence for a while now. The gas mileage is enough to mek him cranky, but a couple months ago, he had to get a new engine for the thing because his daughter never checked the oil the whole time she drove it. So, the engine seized on it and it cost him six grand to get it fixed. Something's been wrong witht he fuel pump lately that's caused a worsening of his non-sunny disposition, but now it's up on blocks! What the hell is this world coming to?

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