May 7, 2007

Monday Night Caption Contest

Post your captions in the comment section below.

Here are mine for the week:

1. How often do you see streakers this organized? I mean, single file and everything!

2. Charity nude walkathon for skin cancer research and ironically, they chose the hottest, sunniest day of the year.

There's still time for last week's contest. The winner will be annouced next Monday.

The winner of April 23rd's contest is CleverName with the caption: "I tole you no park in Gozirra driveway!"


CleverName said...

Fans line up for tickets to the Village People Reunion Tour.

Anonymous said...

1. looks like the cafeteria is serving hot dogs and buns today.

2. Let's hope the line doesn't get so tight that they're poking packages into other people's pillows! that what OPP stands for?

CleverName said...

The National Confederation of Gay Civil War Reenactors once again misinterprets the meaning of "Manassas".