Aug 5, 2007

Been a few days


Work was a bit of a sphincter-pucker. I had to hit the ground running on a project I forgot to get a partial proof to the client late Wednesday. Other little projects came back to haunt me as well, which kept interrupting this other brochure I was planning on working on all day. I'd get about five words typed in on the brochure and something else would take me away from it. Ironic, considering it was a brochure for a hospice center, and plugging in text about end-of-life care was taking me forever to get done.

Thursday night, I finally saw the Simpsons Movie. I was considering writing a review of it, but anyone who knows me knows that I was gonna think it was great. For once, a movie based on a TV show that doesn't try to pretend to be anything other than what it is, and is enjoyable from beginning to end. They didn't try to reinvent the wheel, or tie up any loose ends from the show or leave a cliffhanger to be resolved next season on the TV show. I was also very happy that they didn't go too heavy with stuff they couldn't get away with on TV. Any touches of risque behavior was done with a steady hand.

What were the highlights? Bart skateboarding naked (with a genitalia-obscuring gag that puts Austin Powers to shame AND the greatest Ralph Wiggum-ism ever), a great off-camera sex scene, Grand Theft Walrus, Spider Pig/Harry Plopper, etc. Even the stuff I've seen a million times in trailers and commercials had me laughing my ass off.

After the movie, Cairde na Gael was playing at Arnie's Bar. I didn't stay nearly as late as I usually do, because I was exhausted.


Work was pretty steady throughout the day. Both of my bosses were out most of the morning, which allowed my blood pressure to remain low.

Friday night, I had a date. I've made it a personal rule not to post any major details about dating, at least for a while. I do this for many reasons. 1) I've got many friends foaming at the mouth for details and I figured I'd torture them for a while. 2) I've had trouble in the past with the women I've dated reading what I've written about them in the blog and getting upset that I wrote about this, left out that, etc. I'd rather leave this stuff private until I better know what should be classified information. 3) I don't want to get back in the habit of writing down every hope, fear, wish or doubt I'm having at any given moment about a budding relationship. While it's a great way for me to sort out what's in my head, the backlash is too severe for me to risk. and 4) I just want to enjoy it for myself.


I woke up early and could really fall back asleep. I walked around the Farmer's Market, grabbed some Cafe Cubana, drove around for about an hour, got some lunch and went back home to veg out for the rest of the day until it was time to go work the door at Arnie's.

Last night was night of the cheapskates. I had what seemed like 35 people in a row turn away at the door because they didn't want to spend three dollars to get in. Larkin was putting on one hell of a show, and all those losers really missed out. Another highlight of the night was the girl, a very American girl in voice, dress and attitude, who only had Euros in her wallet. Apparently, I need to familiarize myself with exchange rates before I work the door again.

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