Aug 13, 2006

Is my skull horribly misshapen, or is it just me?

No photoshop tricks in this photo, folks. I really did shave my the frickin' scalp this time. The first time I've been completely sans hair since I was born. There are three reasons for this move:

1) Never done it before and it's on my list of things I've never done that I feel I should go ahead and do...along with getting a tattoo, finishing one of my screenplays/novels, sky dive, get started on the Tulsa Music Family Tree Project, etc.

2) I'm gonna go visit my folks for a few days, and anything I can to cause my mom to stare at me and say "Oh, I don't know..." is totally worth it.

3) Thursday is my birthday, and chances are good that I'll be drinking until I pass out. And, whenever someone in my social circle ever passes out drunk, someone else decides to cut their hair. This time, I'm not letting them have the satisfaction. Now, if I can only keep them away from the magic markers.

Even though I'm opening myself up for a ton of Mr. Clean jokes, but all day yesterday, I cleaned every square inch of my apartment. I figured that if I'm gonna have my friends come over while I'm gone and feed Chuckles the cat, it'd be best to have not my instructions include the words "I wouldn't walk around barefoot if I were you.".

A few other little random tidbits here:

The flash bulb on my digital camera has burned out, and since it's one of those built-in flashes, it's time to buy a new camera or take my chances with natural light.

Ever since dinner last night, anything I've had to eat or drink has caused me to hiccup like crazy. I fear something might be wrong with my esophagus. It feels like everything keeps getting stuck on it's way to my stomach...a little like heartburn, only without the burn.

I may be away from the blog for a few days. In the meantime, faithful readers, might I suggest submitting for the caption contest I posted a couple days ago.


Anonymous said...

That new photo is hot. You should make it your profile photo on myspace. :-)

Anonymous said...

Looks hella tight, man. I'm kind of jealous. I shaved my head about this same time last year, and the low-maintenance was refreshing, as was the seemingly cool breeze. Best I did this year was shave my goatee.