Sep 7, 2006


I considered what I had achieved last week at work to be fairly impressive. I worked over seventy hours and managed to be home at a reasonable hour each night. My big project for the week was a 88 page program, and I got it done, start to finish, in less than a week.

That achievement, judging by my experiences over the past couple days, is now considered child's play.

I knew we had another program book to do right after the one I finished over the weekend, but what I didn't know is this new one was due the same fucking day. I found that out on Tuesday morning...The day after Labor Day, which was the closest I had come to a day off in weeks.

Tuesday, I worked until three in the morning, and had managed to get 45% of the pages laid out by the time I called it a night. I went home, got a couple hours sleep and went back to work, knowing full well that I would not be leaving the office again until the book was done.

The last page was completed at 7:45 this morning. The client was coming by at 8:30 to proof it. That was just enough time to run home, feed the cat, shower, change clothes, brush my teeth and write an IOU to my body for a good night's sleep.

And now, it's 6:30 pm Thursday, and I've clocked over 50 hours since Tuesday Morning. The last of the caffeine is working its way out of my system, adn I'm ready to hit the hay. I've proven to my bosses that I am capable of putting together a 96 page program in two days, and I've gone to great lengths to prove to them that while that is impressive turnaround on something that huge, it's completely impractical to do so ever again. I was a zombie by the time I left work tonight, and a dead soldier is no good for the revolution.

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