Sep 4, 2006


Steve "The Crocodile Hunter" Irwin is dead. He died as he lived...sneaking up on dangerous animals making exaggerated body gestures.

I kinda dishonored the teamsters by working on Labor Day, but it was only for about fifteen minutes. I had to be at the office for a client to drop off a missing image and give him a fresh proof.

Then, I got caught up on four weeks of dirty dishes, attempted to upgrade a friend's computer and failed. I got a little reading done, and now I'm finishing cleaning up and then I'll do some writing.

Tomorrow, I get my big fat whopping paycheck. Once bills are paid, I'm putting the rest aside for a rainy day. And by rainy day, I mean the Blade RunnerSpecial edition that was supposed to be out later this month. However, a quick Google search is showing that it's being delayed to later in the year. I'll have the cash ready nonetheless.

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