Sep 3, 2006

Holy Hell

Long fucking week, even by my standards. A big project has taken a huge chunk out of my time this week, and I got the proof finished tonight.

When I work late, I always have something playing in the background, usually a DVD. I only do this after normal business hours. During the day, it's hard for me to concentrate on my work because of the phone calls and constant interruptions from co-workers. But once the whistle blows for everyone else, the I fire up a movie on the other iMac and get down to business.

To avoid a flood of emails and comments on how I'm working too hard, I won't give a definite number on the hours I worked, but I'll put it in perspective for you: Gladiator, two Mystery Science Theater 3000 box sets (4 discs a pop), Terminator 3, Fight Club, and the first two Lord of the Rings (extended editions and half of the special features).

And, it looks like it's not gonna let up for the next couple weeks. Strange thing is, I'm not really all that tired. I'm taking the majority of the day off tomorrow, only popping by the office for a few minutes to get a couple pictures from a client.

Now, I have some green tea steeping in the next room, a weekend of DVRed shows to skim through. TTFN.

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