Sep 25, 2006


Last Monday's post began as an attempt to write something a little more abstract about what I was feeling at that time. It ended up being a wonderful release. Since I hit the "Publish Post" button that night, The good things have felt much better and the bad things that would normally send me into a hissy fit in real life and a raving diatribe on this blog have rolled off my back and/or become a cute story.

I'm finally beginning to feel deserving of the good fortune that has come my way. And even if it isn't hitting the pick six in the karmic lottery, I have felt good knowing that I was right to play it as the "nice guy". Spiritually and psychologically, I feel bulletproof.

For instance, today was my boss' first day back from a week-long vacation. All day long, he tried to find fault in anything I've done while he was away. the furthest he got was walking into my office holding a job ticket, saying "Dan, what the hell...(looks closer at the job ticket)...oh, nevermind." By the end of the day, I couldn't wipe that give-me-your-best-shot smirk off my face.

Now that I'm home, I've had my dinner, and I'm gonna crack open a bottle of Jameson's and get a good buzz going. I've deserved it.

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