Dec 17, 2005

Can my dark side come out and play?

The other day, I remembered a long conversation I had with some friends back in college. I cannot, for the life of me, recall what brought the subject up, nor do I know what made me think of it now, but the subject was the most painful cause of death. We had to set some ground rules, though. The method of death had to something that was fairly commonplace. This rule had to be set because it just got way too creepy with the things some people were throwing out there (stabbed in the eye while submersed in a vat of ammonia, sandblasted with rock salt, etc.). While it was fun trying to poke holes in people's logic, it was quite possibly the darkest and most psychotic conversation of my life.

One person brought up burning to death, but that was shot down due to the fact that any pain receptors would burn away fairly quickly and it wouldn't hurt anymore. Strangling, suffocation and choking was over way too quick to count as painful, even though the panic of drowning, added the element of painful filling of the lungs with fluid. In the end, we all agreed that massive internal bleeding combined with septsis (sic) of the blood was the most painful method of death. Perhaps a gun shot wound to the gut with the bullet cracking a rib or two on the way in.

Needless to say, I didn't hang out with those people too much after that night. They all took way too much enjoyment out of that conversation.

Again, I don't know why I thought of that. I don't even know why I thought I'd share that. I guess that one less memory I have to worry about repressing.

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