Dec 24, 2005

Dead animals

Yesterday was the easiest day of work I have ever had. All I did was surf the net and backup our file to CD. My boss got us all Rib Crib for lunch. That, combined with dinner at my grandmother's in Fort Smith, meant that I had five different kinds of meat in one day. I've been paying the price for it today, though. Ugh.

After losing ten bucks in poker, I hit the road again to my parent's house in Little Rock. I got there a little after midnight and stayed up until 2:00 just talking with my mom.

Today has been a lazy day. The only thing I really HAD to do was feed my brother's dogs. The rest of the day has been spent hanging out with the folks. Almost every TV in the house is on at the same time, so if I get tired of CNN in one room, I would move to the next room to watch football, or the Hunting Channel, or Fox News...My theory is that my parents lost all the remotes, so they just set each TV to different channels.

The Hunting Channel is kinda freaking my shit out. Not only is it the same scenario over and over again ("It's frolicking, KILL IT!", but they also try to add the element of humor to it with goofy music as the animal is running around after being shot. The scariest thing to me is that this is in HDTV. Apparently, they got enough complaints that it didn't look real enough, so they started filming it with higher clarity and in 5.1 surround sound.

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for outdoor activities, and as a carnivore I do enjoy the fruits (ha ha ha) of the hunter's labor. However, I have a sneaking suspicion that most of these guys keep a list of every animal on the planet as a "to do" list. They're just waitng for the day they can say, "Today, I bagged myself a lemur and a koala bear!"

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