Dec 2, 2005

Sick as a dog

Today was super slow, which was perfect given the fact that my head cold was full-blown as of the moment I got out of bed this morning. My boss was even sicker than I was, and that didn't work well for his temper. In an attempt to sway his mood back from the dark side, I offered to grab him some lunch, and it went a little something like this.

Me: "Hey, boss, you have any plans for lunch?"

Boss: "I think I'll puke, then put a bullet in my head."

Me: "Oh, well, at least your afternoon is looking clear."

I got us both some French onion soup from Panera and that seemed to loosen the thorn from the lion's paw. One of our presses broke down late this morning, so the boss was busy putting out that fire to worry about getting job tickets to the art department. No biggie for me, I spent the afternoon cleaning the office and shooting emails back and forth over MySpace (he he he).

My friend Mary called me and told me that she was gonna check about getting me into the Loretta Lynn show for free. She later called me back and told me she couldn't get me on the list. Oh, well, I needed to go home and get some rest.

I took off a half-hour early again today to go home and sleep, but right before I was gonna take a nap, Mary called me again and asked me to come down to the Cain's and record their set using my MP3 recorder. I show up, get the recorder all hooked up and wait for them to start the show. They put on a great show, and sad to say, I only got about half of it recorded because the recorder locked up five times. I think I got three, maybe four songs. I'll have to download the files to the laptop to find out.

I didn't stay for the rest of the show because I promised my friend George I'd come to her birthday party at Hideaway Pizza. By that point I felt like hammered dog shit. Turns out it was mostly low blood sugar because I felt a lot better after downing a heroic dose of lasagna.

And now I'm home and waiting for the NyQuil to kick in. Good night.

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