Dec 20, 2005

Cynicism: It's what's for dinner

In a true I-wish-I-had-my-camera moment, I just witnessed the most screwed up tactic in military recruitment...ever. It was a recuiting van, with full color graphics from top to bottom of men and women in uniform (nothing out of the ordinary), but with SPINNING RIMS on it! Are new enlistments down that much that they have to impress them with rotating shiny items?!? "Oh, so you don't want to go to Iraq? That's okay...say, did you check out my rims? You like those? Sign on this dotted line, please."

I hear the Catholic church is taking notes, and teaming up with Rockford Fosgate for a "Bass for Jesus" campaign to be launched sometime next year.

I have a client who's driving me nuts. He's in his sixties, he barely has a clue as to what he's doing, and I've seen calculator watches with better memory than he does. Today, he tried to talk me through a stock photo website over the phone. I just about lost it when he asked me, "Do you have to have an account with these people before you can log on to their website?"

Anyway, I'm on my third complete redesign of his project, and I'm anticipating a fourth and a fifth, until I finally tell them that if they come back with another change, I'm gonna kill a kitten. Of course, I'm bluffing. If he happens to call me on it, I'll just threaten to hit him with a fish instead.

I know I'm breaking a cardinal rule of blogging by bitching about my work, but there's little chance of repercussions in this case because this guy not only forgets everything within five minutes, but also has proven to me that he's a real wiz with the internet.

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