Dec 28, 2005

Goodbye mustache, hello NyQuil

My boss is growing out his beard. I commented on it today and that led to a discussion of the beard I've been trying to grow/been too damn lazy to shave off. Every year on New Year's Day, I shave off my facial hair...I like to start the year with a clean slate. However, I kinda made up my mind not to do it this year.

I was forced to change my mind on my way home from work, when my cigarette lighter got a little over-zealous and singed half my mustache off. Once home, I got out the trimmers and tried to even it up, but was left with just stubble on my upper lip. So I shaved off the mustache leaving the rest of the beard, which made me look like an Amish hipster. A little edging and pruning, I went with the soul patch/sideburn combo. I can now work at any record store or blend in at any frat party in the country.

Today, I used up all of my Christmas gift cards. Overall, I was practical about it. A pair of jeans, day planner, office supplies...about the only entertainment expense was the new Weezer CD, which kicks all sorts of ass. Every song of theirs reminds me of hearing a really great song during the end credits of a movie and makes me want to sit in the theater until it's over. Man, that was a long way to go for that analogy.

My cold is getting better, but I want to back to 100% by New Year's Eve. That's why I picked up some NyQuil, the nighttime-sniffling-sneezing-how-the-hell-did-I-end-up-on-the-kitchen-floor medicine. It makes a great party drug, as long as the party is only gonna last four minutes. I used up the last of my supply last night, and generally I can't take it more than two nights in a row, otherwise I get the opposite effect. I'm up until dawn, hyper as hell and alphabetizing everything: Movies, books, CDs, pets, etc.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have an appointment for a cherry/death flavored cold and flu killing trip.

1 comment:

optimist said...

oh, nyquil. how can you get it? It is too hard to get it. when I take just one pill, then I fall asleep for 4hours!!!! lol. If I am in a Company, and there is no pills without nyquil. but, I never take it, if cold is too severe. 'cause, I fall asleep on the couch. then, my boss come along to me, and kick my ass! sorry for my english(I think I have many fault grammaticaly), I'm Korean. but I am in the U.S.A government for korea-Usa Company's trading or treating or dealing. you know...the usa government-Kor governmet trading. FTA. such a things. I just searched Nyquil for my memory in hot day,2006. It's too drowsy when I took it. It is too drowsy, isn't it?