Feb 4, 2006

Aw, crap!

I got home yesterday to find the carpet in the hallway all wet and squishy. Turns out that toilet tank had cracked somehow and was leaking water all over the damned place. I cut off the water, flushed all the water out of the tank and called the landlord. Just my (and his) luck that this would happen on a weekend. He's been trying to find a plumber to come in and fix it, but I have the feeling he's stalling until Monday so he won't have to pay extra for the repairs. So, Candy and I are left with no choice but to run next door to take a piss.

Other than that, not a whole hell of a lot going on. I got caught up on my sleep last night, and I'm trying to find something to do tonight. I may be going to see Walk the Line with some friends, but even that is up in the air. I should cherish these moments. It's getting to be our busy season at work and any free time will be few and far between.

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