Feb 8, 2006

Rise and panic

I didn't get to post yesterday, because I had to leave the laptop at work so my boss could get the new wireless network up and running. I was getting a little paranoid that my boss was gonna cut off the internet in the art department, but thankfully he didn't...yet.

This morning...Wanna know what'll wake you up better and faster than coffee? Having a boss like mine call me at 8:30 to ask if I'm coming into work. I jumped out of bed and got from my bed to my office in fifteen minutes flat. I combined every task I could. I bruched my teeth in the shower. I tied my shoes at a red light. I put my pants on in the front yard while running to my car. Okay, that last one wasn't because I was in a rush...I just wanted to intrigue the neighbors.

When I got to work, I was out of breath and apologizing profusely to my boss. He told me it really wasn't a big deal. At that moment, I wanted to kill someone, anyone for having put me in such a panic first thin gin the morning. I decided the focus of my rage would be the man who designed my alarm clock. What kind of an asshole makes the snooze button and the alarm reset button the same size and shape and put them right next to one another?

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