Feb 12, 2006

My weekend with Super Mario

I could never be a welder. Firday afternoon, I had a photo shoot at a machine shop. A fucking huge machine shop. There were about fifty welders working at once, and the air was thick with grinded metal particles. Even though I only spent less than an hour photographing that place, I spent most of Friday night coughing up iron loogies.

Saturday was more or less wasted on Gamecube and snack food. I didn't even get out of the house until 4:00, and that was just to grab some coffee and a fresh pack of smokes. A few more hours of Gamecube and I headed down to the Mercury Lounge to catch Three Penny Upright and Electric Rag Band. Both bands were awesome (as usual) and I had a lot of fun hanging out with my friends.

Sunday was almost the same as Saturday, only I took time away from the Gamecube to do laundry and catch my TV shows tonight.

It seems like my hopes an prayers from around five years ago have finally been answered: There are finally some really great shows on TV. I'm now making sure I'm home five nights a week to catch all my favorites. Monday, there's 24 and CSI: Miami. Tuesday is House. Wednesday, Lost and CSI: NY. Thursday, CSI. Tonight, I found myself not really giving a rat's ass about the Simpsons (re-run) and Desperate Housewives (ho-hum), but I may have a new favorite in Grey's Anatomy.

Tonight's episode was part two of their after Super Bowl extravaganza. I've been hooked on this show since it started, but after tonight's episode, I think it's become more of a symbiotic relationship. If it's ever a re-run, I feel groggy all week, and if it's not on, my chi is completely off. Tonight, this show did what no other show has ever done for me: Given me an honest-to-God adrenalin rush. For those of you who didn't watch it, I won't spoil it too much for you, but for those of you that did, it happened right around the time of....BOOM! I swear, I think I stopped breathing for about two minutes there.

Whenever I see shows like that, it makes me want to write like that. Unfortunately, it also discourages me because I know I'll never be that good. What do I do? I write anyway. Granted, most of it is what goes into this blog...and the fictional blog, but I think I've painted myself into a corner on that one...but I'm not hearing any complaints for you folks out there. But that's what's great about blogging. No one really takes the time to write complaint letters, and if they do, it's some of the craziest shit you'll ever read. Truly, it's like the Letters to the Editor section, but without the clear forethought, wit or common sense.

And for those of you that write back glowing kudos for my stuff, nothin' bu love for ya'!

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