Feb 13, 2006

Work shit

One thing I forgot to mention about the photo shoot on Friday: On the front door of this building there was a big sign that read "Any offensive weapons are prohibited on the premises". I thought to myself, as opposed to what? Noble weapons? Like some guy would ever walk in with a vintage African spear, or a gold-plated fencing sword? Where to they draw the line here?

I got the photos back today, and they look great considering a) I haven't used my film camera in over a year, and b) I still have no clue what I was doing. The only real problem is that the one shot the client was most vocal about getting right had a small discolored spot on the negative. The good news is that it happened in a sopt that I would have to airbrush out a stepladder anyway, so a little Photoshop work and I'm all set. I think I've finally reached that point in my work where no matter what happens, I've got a way out of a difficult situation.

I talked to my mom tonight and she informed me that my aunt got fired from her job today, just three years short of retirement. The reason she was given for her termination was insubordination, which knowing my aunt, is a word you never expect to hear in the same sentance as her name. It is believed that it's all about bullshit politics with her boss, but from the sounds of it, he'd never cop to it. What an asshole.

That got me thinking about my job...and my boss. Sure, he can be an asshole sometimes, but what sets him apart from a guy like my aunt's boss is that my boss actually admits to being an asshole, which is quite possibly the biggest asshole move ever. What makes me feels safe in my job is that with my boss being a self-proclaimed asshole, I kinda know what to expect from him from day to day. There's nothing sneaky about it. It's kinda like getting cussed out by someone with Tourette's syndrome. If you know it's just an affliction, you really don't mind.as much.

Another good thing about my boss is, that he'd be flattered by that last paragraph.

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