Feb 10, 2006

Thursday night drunken rant

Today was a good day...busy, but good. I got into work this morning and my boss had loaded me up with work that really needed to get done right away. Sixteen jobs. At the end of the day I half-jokingly offered my boss an apology for only getting fourteen of them done (seeing as my average is about six to seven jobs a day, I did damn good).

I got home and made dinner, filling the kitchen with smoke in the process, but the food wasn't half bad. After a really kick-ass episode of CSI, I headed down to the bar. Arnie's was dead when I got there...so much so that I played a game of pool by myself (and still sucked), then beat the bartender at a couple games of chess (and I still suck at that too).

My friends Gene and Heather came by ad we talked for a while. Our conversation ranged from our future funerals, to my ex-girlfriends, to birthdays, etc. I love conversations like that, that at any given moment you just sit back and wonder how the hell you got on that subject in the first place. Crazy stuf.

I called my buddy Scott to see how he's doing. He moved to New Orleans a few months ago, and he found a great new apartment in the French Quarter for less than we're paying for a duplex in Tulsa. He doesn't have the apartment yet, because they're still doing a background check, but I hope he gets it. The only real problem, he says is that there isn't a shower OR a tub, but he's got a friend that's gonna help him put something in. Hell, if you manage to find a cheap place in the fucking French Quarter, the bragging rights alone more than overshadow the lack of hygiene. Sure, you might smell like canned tamales, but you live in one of the greatest party destinations on the planet!

This move for him (despite the horrible events of this last year down there) is a positive step in his life, and I'm happy for him. He really wasn't going anywhere in Oklahoma City. He was unemployed, broke and miserable. So, when he heard that even Burger King was offering sign-on bonuses to get workers into New Orleans, he jumped at the chance. Sure, it's not easy trying to rebuild your life somewhere new, but it's comforting to know that the rest of that city is doing exactly the same.

Ballsy move, but it's working out for him so far...Knock on wood.

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