Oct 20, 2006

Cleaning up

I was originally planning to go to Oktoberfest tonight, but I got in a groove cleaning up my apartment and I couldn't stop, didn't feel like showering and didn't want to hang out with my friends smelling like Pine-Sol.

I'll have some dishes left to do tomorrow, as well as a shitload of laundry and cleaning out my car (where I have more than a couple McDonald's sacks are starting to get a little funky). I go the bulk of the cleaning done tonight at least, so I can sleep in. I wanted to call in sick today due to my head throbbing from drinking last night, and the fact that my bed was like a womb this morning. The alarm clock going off was like contractions every nine minutes.

Work was alright. My boss was on a bit of a tear. I made a couple mistakes on a job, but thankfully he didn't go into his usual fit of micro-managing every little detail of how I do my job, which is like replacing every electrical wire in your house to fix a light bulb that burned out. I didn't let it bother me too much.

But I've got the entire weekend ahead of me. I'll go get my German culture fix tomorrow, and I think I'll catch a matinee of The Prestige on Sunday.

Life is good.

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