Oct 22, 2006

I'll forgive any "I've got wood" jokes

I took it pretty easy at Oktoberfest. I didn't spend a lot of money, but I had a lot of fun. I had my one pitcher of Spaten Lager, I had my bratwurst, a pretzel and an apple strudel. I even went for a ride on the ferris wheel...with the wind chill at 37 degrees. Do you know how hard it is to say "I can see my house from here." with your teeth chattering?

I went there with some of my greatest friends here, and I had a lot of fun. However, I had a weird feeling all night. You see, every year when Oktoberfest comes around, I'm in a weird state of uncertainty when it comes to relationships. Half the time I'm stinging from a breakup, half the time I'm in the very beginning stage of what I hope is a new relationship.

This year could qualify as column B, although that someone couldn't make it. A shame really, because I was feeling particularly charming and confident last night. On the other hand, that could have been a bit too much, given the circumstances.

Now comes the usual bit in this blog where in lieu of details, either unknown to me or not willing to divulge at this point, I speak in metaphors.

The kind of women I find myself attracted to me are a lot like oak trees...very strong, very stubborn, and every one of them with some form of damage. Not that I've actively sought out the damaged ones, it's just been my luck of the draw. I've seen it all: Split trunks, Dutch Elm Disease, some of them completely uprooted. It's in my nature to try my best to nurse these trees back to health. And in the end, they've either stood strong and no longer need my care, or they show me as much regard as a bag of fertilizer.

In this present case, the damage isn't nearly as bad and it will heal on its own. In my opinion, she's much stronger than she thinks she is. All I can do is give it time. I've learned enough from past experiences to be patient. This time, I'm in no rush.

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