Nov 29, 2006

Unrelated tidbits

A guy in Amsterdam recently aimed to set a world's record for the largest joint...And who says stoners have no initiative?

The 16-year-old actress playing the Virgin Mary in the upcoming movie The Nativity Story has announced that she's pregnant out of wedlock.

I could've been a millionaire if someone hadn't stolen my idea for the Turducken. Alhough, to be fair, my idea was called the Elebeefostporturduckenailakeet. It the same principal, but instead it was layers of Elephant, side of beef, ostrich, suckling pig, turkey, duck, chicken, quail, parakeet. I ran into three problems: A) elephant anti-poaching laws, B) Lacking the strength to debone the larger animals and the precision to debone the smaller ones, and C) the average consumer doesn't have the oven space. If only I had pared down the idea, I'd be rich.

Supposedly, Kid Rock has broken up with Pam Anderson over her appearance in the movie Borat. Read that again.

Today, the temperature dropped twenty degrees and went from sunny to stormy in about thirty minutes. Who opened the seventh seal?

Beware of Pump #1 at the QuikTrip at 11th and Utica. The shutoff trigger is broken on the nozzle, and my tank overflowed...onto my shoes.

I found a cause that may not go over very well in the Midwest: Global Orgasm Day. December 22nd.

There's a old textbook from the fifties on my shelf titled Writing Good Sentences. Shouldn't that be Writing Sentences Well?

If Camel Cigarettes are a Turkish tobacco blend, why do they have an Egyptian pyramid on the package?

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