Nov 15, 2006

Wednesday Night Caption Contest

It's caption time again, and for the first time, I have an early entry in the contest. I asked One Charmed Motherfucker if he had any ideas for this week's pic, and because he was so busy, he told me to find a picture for his caption instead. Reverse engineering...I like it! And it leads us to this week's pic.

Here's One Charmed Motherfucker's caption:

"You're right - I never thought being a bull semen salesman would have so many pitfalls."

Here's mine for the week:

Undeterred by the PETA protests, the Running of the Bulls is now a triathalon.

The winner of last week's contest is Toni with the caption: "I don't know dude - I thought for sure we'd pull the chics after we had our teeth bleached and veneered..."


CleverName said...

SeaWorld intoduces it's new "Surf & Turf" show.

CleverName said...

One event that never really caught on with the Olympic swimming committee:

500-meter Inter-species relay

Anonymous said...

Pedro had a dream of a better life in America, but he wasn't gonna do it without his prize bull Benicio.